Test Cards

In the Sandbox Environment, you can use the cards below to get an Approved status with a random but correct format using the expiration month/year, cvv, zip code, and address number.

Example Card Numbers
Number Card Type
4242 4242 4242 4242
4012 8888 8888 1881
4000 0566 5566 5556
Visa (Debit)
5555 5555 5555 4444
5200 8282 8282 8210
MasterCard (Debit)
5105 1051 0510 5100
MasterCard (prepaid)
3782 822463 10005
American Express
3714 496353 98431
American Express
6011 1111 1111 1117
6011 0009 9013 9424
3056 9309 0259 04
Diners Club
3852 0000 0232 37
Diners Club
3530 1113 3330 0000
3566 0020 2036 0505


Testing in Production

In the Production Environment, to get an Approved status you would need to use a real credit card for testing. Otherwise, it will decline based on this test card information.

Error codes and decline statuses

To get the desired status, you would check the Fraud Setting for the test merchant when you create this account. By default, the Fraud Setting should check for CVV, AVS-Postal-Code, and AVS-Street-Address and if mismatched, decline the transaction.

  • Approved Status: Use this test card number 4100000000000001 with amount less than $10
  • Declined Status: Use this test card number 4100000000000001 with amount more than $10
  • Incorrect Number: Use this test card number 1232424242424242
  • Invalid Expiry Month: Use invalid month e.g. 13
  • Invalid Expiry Year: Use the year in the past e.g. 1980
  • Invalid CVV: Use two digit number e.g. 88

Card Testing Scenarios

Use the card number mentioned in the table below with a purchase less than the amount in the max amount column and the AVS and CVV responses will be as shown in the table

Card Number AVS scenario ID CVV scenario ID Max Amount Approval Rate
4100 0000 0000 0019
A N 190 100%
4100 0000 0000 0126
B M 180 100%
4100 0000 0000 0266
C P 160 100%
4100 0000 0000 0399
D S 490 100%
4100 0000 0000 0761
G U 110 100%
4100 0000 0000 1017
N X 170 100%
4100 0000 0000 1264
R 0 140 100%
4100 0000 0000 1512
U 1 120 100%
4100 0000 0000 2122
0 2 220 100%
4100 0000 0000 2379
2 3 290 100%
4100 0000 0000 1801
0 M 10 100%
4100 0000 0000 2049
0 M 490 100%
4111 1111 1113 1838
A X 290 50%
5211 1111 1113 1438
A X 290 50%
6011 1111 1113 1438
A X 290 50%
3777 7777 7777 9636
A X 290 50%

AVS Scenario ID Description
A Address Only
B Address Only (International)
C No Match (International)
D Address & Postal Code
Y Address & Postal Code
X Address & Postal Code
Z Postal Code
G Service Unavailable (Global)
N No Match
R Retry
U Service Unavailable
0 Complete Address Match
2 Partial Address Match
CVV Scenario ID Description
N No Match
M Match
P Not Processed
S Service Unsupported
U Service Unavailable
X No Response
0 Match
1 No Match
2 Service Unsupported
3 Not Present