Merchant API
Variable | Type | Description |
Limit | Int32 | How many results to return |
offset | int32 | Which record to start on |
merchantId | string | The identification number of the merchant's account in the MX Merchant system. |
active | boolean | is this user active |
saleLimit | float | highest payment amount this user can make |
refundLimit | float | Highest refund amount this user can make |
Photo | object | base64 encoded profile picture |
role | string | what role does this user need? Values: Administrator, Supervisor, Read Only, clerk |
username | string | Username of the new user |
firstName | string | User's first name |
lastName | string | User's last name |
string | User's email address | |
mobile | string | User's phone number |
password | string | User's new or temporary password |
roleId | int32 | Account role of API key; Default(Supervisor) is 2 |
name | string | Name of Key |
description | string | Description of Key |
Locked | boolean | Is this key locked or active |
pageSize | int32 | Number of records to return |
Lost Provention Object
Variable | Type | Description |
KeyedAvsAddress | boolean | Require Street Address when doing keyed trnsactions |
KeyedAvsZip | boolean | Require Postal Code when doing keyed transactions |
KeyedCvv | boolean | Require CVV when doing keyed transactions |
swipeAvsAddress | boolean | Require Street Address when doing swiped transactions |
swipedAvsZip | boolean | Require Postal Code when doing swiped transactions |
swipedLastFourDigits | boolean | Require Last 4 Digits when doing swiped transactions |
checkPhoneNumber | boolean | Require Phone Number when doing check transactions |
checkNumber | boolean | Require Check Number when doing check transactions |
declineOnCvvMismatch | boolean | Auto-decline on CVV mismatch |
declineOnAvsZipMismatch | boolean | Auto-decline on Postal Code mismatch |
declineOnAvsStreetMismatch | boolean | Auto-decline on Street Address mismatch |
enableEms | boolean | Enable or Disable EMS Fraud Scoring |
EemsPaymentAmountThreshold | boolean | Only trigger EMS checks for payment over this amount |
declineOnEmsScoreExceeded | boolean | Auto-decline if EMS score threshold is exceeded |
declineEmsScoreThreshold | bolean | EMS Score threshold |
Time Restriction Object
Variable | Type | Description |
sunday | boolean | date |
monday | boolean | date |
tuesday | boolean | date |
wednesday | boolean | date |
thursday | boolean | date |
friday | boolean | date |
saturday | boolean | date |
startTimeMinute | String | date |
endTimeMinute | String | date |
Merchants Object
Variable | Type | Description |
Id | string | Merchant Id |
dba | string | Merchant's name |
xmid | string | XMID of the Merchant |
Payment API
Variable | Type | Description |
echo | boolean | Return Response |
includeCustomerMatches | boolean | Return customers that have this card vaulted in their account |
merchantId | string | The identification number of the merchant's account in the MX Merchant system. |
amount | float | the payment amount. Must not be 0. |
paymentType | string | Type of transactions Values: Sale, Refund, CashAdvance, Prepaid, Adjustment, Void, Reversal, Authorization, SaleCompletion, PaymentTransaction, Withdrawal, Balance |
tenderType | string | Values: Card, Check, Cash, Mutiple, Loyalty, ACH |
entryClass | string | Gets or sets the ACH entry class Values: CCD, PPD, TEL, WEB |
cardPresent | boolean | Is the credit card is present at the time of payment? |
authOnly | boolean | Indicates that this payment should NOT be added to current batch. AuthOnly payment won't be settled. |
isAuth | boolean | Should this card be authorized? |
isSettleFunds | boolean | should this transaction be settled? |
customerName | string | Customer Name(256 char)(Does Not assoicate payment to customer) |
customerCode | string | Client provided customer reference number(assoicated with Customer Number). Cannot be combined with invoideId and clientReference if B2b is On |
meta | string | Memo Field |
replayId | int32 | A merchant-supplied identifier to uniquely identify a payment request to facilitate retries due to I/O related issues. This identifier must be unique. If supplied, we will check for a payment that matches this identifier. If found will return an identical response of the original request. Represents a bigInt value. |
source | string | Values: API, Quick Pay, Recurring, Link2Pay, Terminal |
clientReference | string | Client provided payment reference number; can be assoicated with multiple payments (17 char max) |
invoice | string | Client provided invoice number(Generated by servver if not provided, 16 char max) |
invoiceIds | array of strings | If there are multiple invoices, you can send in an array of existing invoice ids (Note: they must already exist in MX Merchant) |
orderIds | array of strings | If there are multiple orders, you can send in an array of existing order ids (Note: they must already exist in MX Merchant) |
tax | float | Tax Amount(included in amount) |
taxExempt | boolean | if true, tax amount must be 0 |
cardPresentType | string | values:CardPresentKeyed, CardPresentSwiped, CardNotPresent |
device | string | Gets/Sets the device identifier, this is the terminal id |
shipAmount | float | Gets/Sets the ship amount, used by level 3 data during settlement |
shipToCountry | string | Gets/Sets the 3-digit alphanumeric ship-to country code, i. e. USA, used by level 3 data during settlement |
shipToZip | string | Gets/Sets the ship-to zip code, using by level 3 data during settlement |
shouldVaultCard | boolean | Use this param to valut a new card to a new or existing customer. Send in to vault an existing customer, and at a minimum, customer.firstName or customer. LastName to vault the card to a new customer. |
tip | float | Gets/Sets the amount of the gratuity (included in amount). |
vatAmount | float | Gets/Sets the vat amount, used by level 3 data during settlement |
vatRate | float | Gets/Sets the VAT rate, used by level 3 data during settlement |
transactionType | string | Values: Any, Sale, Refund, Authorization |
tenderType | string | Values: Any, Card, Cash, Check, Ach |
status | string | Values: Any, Approved, Voided, Declined |
dateType | string | Values: Any, Today, Yesterday, WeekToDate, MonthToDate, Last7, Last30, Custom |
startDate | string | YYYY-MM-DDthh:mm:ssZ(Required for Custom dataType) |
endDate | string | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ(Required for Custom dataType) |
source | string | Values: Any, quickPay, link2Pay, Recurring, Order, mxExpress, mxRetail, API, BIP, terminal |
limit | int32 | Number of records to return |
id | int32 | Specific paymentId to return a single payment |
includeCustomer | boolean | Returns the customer object associcated with the payment |
paymentId | string | The id of the payment |
force | boolean | Force a refund if transaction has already settled |
startTime | string | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ(Required for Custom dateType) |
endTime | string | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ(Required for Custome dateType) |
tender | string | Batch tender type. Values: Card, Cash, Check, ACH |
minAmount | int32 | Amount filter |
maxAmount | int32 | Amount filter |
limit | int32 | How many records to return |
offset | int32 | Which record to start on |
batchId | int32 | Batch Id |
Card Account Object
Variable | Type | Description |
number | string | Card Number |
expiryMonth | string | Card Expiration Month |
ExpiryYear | string | Card Expiration Year |
token | string | Vaulted Payment Token |
avsStreet | String | Billing Street Address (required if Loss Prevention Setting is turned on) |
avsZip | string | Billing Postal Code (required if Loss Prevention Setting is turned on) |
cvv | string | 3 or 4 digit card verification value (CVV) (required if Loss Prevention Setting is turned on) |
expiryDate | string | Card Expiration Date |
magstrip | string | Magnetic Stripe Data |
alias | string | Clint Provided, easy to remember name for the card |
emvData | string | Byte array converted to string - ICC, ship data for EMV transactions |
emvDataKsn | string | KSN for encrypted emv data |
track1 | string | Track 1 data - base64 |
track2 | string | Track 2 data - based 64 encrypted value or plaintext |
track1Ksn | string | KSN for encrypted track 1 data |
track2Ksn | string | KSN for encrypted track 2 data |
Bank Account Object
Variable | Type | Description |
accountNumber | string | Account Number |
routingNumber | string | Routing Number |
type | string | Account Type. Values: Checkings, Savings |
name | string | Account holder's name |
alias | string | Alias or common name used to refer to this account |
isDefault | boolean | is this the default account |
checkNumber | string | the check's number |
individualId | string | Sets the ACH individual id(Customer Number) |
token | string | Tokenized reference used to replay secure bankAccount information |
Customer Object
Variable | Type | Description |
id | string | Customer to assoicate the payment with |
firstName | string | Customer First Name (Creates customer) |
lastName | string | Customer Last Name (Creates customer) |
type | string | Values: Person, business |
posData Object
Variable | Type | Description |
cardholderPesence | string | Is cardholder present at the time of payment? Values: Unknown, Present, NotPresent, Mail, Phone, Standing, Recurring, Ecom |
cardPresent | boolean | indicates if the card is present at time of the payment |
deviceAttenddance | string | How is the terminal attended. Values: Unknown, Attended, Attended, HomePc, VoiceAru, Recurring |
deviceInputCapability | string | Values: Unknown, VoiceAru, Swipe, ContactlessChip, ContactlessSwipe, ChipSwipe, KeyedOnly, SwipeKeyed, ChipSwipeKeyed, Chip |
deviceLocation | string | Where is terminal located? Values: Unknown, OnPremise, RemoteMerchant, HomePcDevice, VoiceAru, OnPremiseHomePcDevice, Recurring |
panCaptureMethod | string | Method of PAN entry. Values: Unknown, Manual, Swipe, Chip, ContactlessSwipe, ContactlessChip, Fallback, ContactlessMobile |
partialApprovalSupport | string | Does POS support partial approvals? (Discover only) Values: NotSupported, Supported, MerchandiseOnly, CashOnly, Exclusive |
PinCaptureCapability | string | PIN capture capability of device. For Terminals the pinCaptureCapability value should be sent with the maximum amount of digits the terminal supports for pin entry. (Values: Unknown, Capable, Incapable, Inoperative, Offline, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve) |
Customer API
Variable | Type | Description |
merchantId | string | The identification number of the merchant's account in the MX Merchant system. |
limit | int32 | Number of records to return |
ascending | boolean | sort ascending or descending |
filter | string | Search fields; can search on name, customer number, email, city, state or zip |
spendProfile | string | Search customers by spend profile |
sortField | string | Field to sort by |
lastActivity | string | Filter results to time customer as last active. Values: lifetime, Month, Week, Yesterday, Today, Last30, Last7, Custom |
startDate | date | Start date for time filter |
endDate | date | End date for time filter |
echo | boolean | Return results |
name | string | Customer's full name(display name) |
firstName | string | Customer's first name |
lastName | string | Customer's last name |
address1 | string | street address |
address2 | string | Apartment, suite, department |
city | string | City |
state | string | State |
zip | string | Zip code |
addressName | string | Name for address, i.e. home, work |
customerType | string | Type of customer: Business or Person |
string | Customer's email address | |
mobile | string | Customer's cell phone number |
phone | string | Customer's phone number |
number | client | provided customer number |
isTaxExempt | boolean | Is this customer tax exempt? |
taxId | string | Customer's SSN or EIN(9 digits) required for tax exempt customers) |
spendProfile | string | Customer's spend profie |
activeStatus | boolean | is the customer active? |
SelectedSpendProfile | string | Spend profile selected for customer |
spendProfileOverride | boolean | if the spend profile was selected or sent manually, this would be true. |
customerId | int32 | Id of customer |
Id | int32 | Id of customer |
country | string | Country |
isDefault | boolean | is this the default address |
subId | int32 | Id of address |
echo | boolean | Return results(otherwise, you will just see an HTTP response code |
code | string | Account Code(default is card |
number | string | Card Number |
magstripe | string | Magstripe data; you would send in this field instead of number and expiry fields |
expiryMonth | string | Magstripe data; you would send in this field instead of numbe and expiry fields |
expiryYear | string | Card expiration year |
avsZip | string | Billing zip code |
avsStreet | string | Billing street address |
cvv | string | Card verification value |
name | string | Cardholder's name |
alias | string | Add an additional identifier to your customerCardAccount object |
token | string | A string generated when you vault a card |
(Vault Card Account) id | int32 | vaulted card id |
accountNumber | string | Bank account number |
routingNumber | string | Routing Number |
(Vaulted Bank Account) name | string | Customer Name |
type | string | Account Typer(Either Checking or Savings) |
(Vaulted Bank Account) code | string | Account code(default is bank) |
addressId | int32 | Assoicate a billing address with the account you can then us the token returned to make payments |
(Update Vault Account) id | int32 | Vault id |
image | file | Base64 endcoded image(must be larger than 120 x 120 pixel |
text | string | 256 char string |
offset | int32 | offset int32 |
(custom fields for customer) id | string | Id for the custom field(Auto-generated by server) |
(custom fields for customer) name | string | Descriptor name for the custom field |
fieldName | string | Name for the custom field object |
fieldDataType | string | Type of field. Values: Boolean, String, Integer, Decimal, or List |
fieldSourceType | string | Always customer |
isDeleted | boolean | True/False |
isSystem | boolean | True/False |
CustomFields Object
Variable | Type | Description |
fieldDataType | string | Field Data Type of your custom Field. Values: String, Integer, Boolean, Decimal, or List |
fieldDefinitionId | int32 | Id of field |
isRequired | boolean | Is this field Required |
name | string | FieldName |
Options Object
Variable | Type | Description |
name | string | Name of Option |
Value | stirng | Same as Name |
Report API
Variable | Type | Description |
merchantId | int32 | The identification number of the merchant's account in the MX Merchant system. |
startDate | date | start date in MM/DD/YYYY format |
endDate | date | End date in MM/DD/YYYY format |
limit | int32 | Limit of the data |
offset | int32 | Offset of the data |
groupBy | string | Options to Group results by. Values: merchantcubedate, batch |
batchId | int32 | Batchid |
dateTypeFilter | string | Date type filter. Values: Today, Yesterday, Week, Month, Last7, Last30, Custom |
dateRange | string | Date Type filer. Values: Lifetime, Month, nextMonth, Custome |
expiredOnly | boolean | Reutn only expired Cards? |
transactionType | string | Transaction type. Values: Any, Sale, Refund, Authorization |
status | string | Transaction status. Values: Any, Approved, Voided, Declined |
minAMount | int32 | Minimum transaction amonut to return |
maxAmount | int32 | Maximum transaction amount to return |
statementDate | date | Statementdate in MM/DD/YYYY format |
errors | boolean | Show only errors or successes |
method | string | Filter by Status. Values: 200, 201. 204, 400, 401, 404, 405, 500 |
Token API
Variable | Type | Description |
merchantId | int32 | The identification number of the merchant's account in the MX Merchant system. |
token | string | limited use token |
firstName | string | Customer first name |
lastName | string | Customer last name |
customerId | int32 | Customer id |
number | string | Card number |
expiryMonth | string | Card expiration month |
expiryYear | string | Card expiration year |
avsZip | string | Billing zip code |
avsStreet | string | Billing street address |
cvv | string | Card verfication value |
echo | boolean | Return result |
tenderType | string | Tender type. Values: Card, Cash, Check, ACH(if enabled); |
amount | float | Amount |
Card Account Object
Variable | Type | Description |
number | string | Card Number |
expiryMonth | string | Card Expiration Month |
ExpiryYear | string | Card Expiration Year |
token | string | Vaultd Payment Token |
avsStreet | String | Billing Street Address (required if Loss Prevention Setting is turned on) |
avsZip | string | Billing Postal Code (required if Loss Prevention Setting is turned on) |
cvv | string | 3 or 4 digit card verification value (CVV) (required if Loss Prevention Setting is turned on) |
expiryDate | string | Card Expiration Date |
magstrip | string | Magnetic Stripe Data |
alias | string | Clint Provided, easy to remember name for the card |
emvData | string | Byte array converted to string - ICC, ship data for EMV transactions |
emvDataKsn | string | KSN for encrypted emv data |
track1 | string | Track 1 data - base64 |
track2 | string | Track 2 data - based 64 encrypted value or plaintext |
track1Ksn | string | KSN for encrypted track 1 data |
track2Ksn | string | KSN for encrypted track 2 data |
Recurring Payments API
Variable | Type | Description |
echo | boolean | Return response? values: True or False |
contractId | int | Contract's Id |
subscriptionId | String | Subscription's Id |
acount.token | string | Token for vaulted card |
subscription.customerId | int32 | customer id |
subscription.cardAccountid | int32 | VaultedCard for auto-pay |
subscription.allowPartialPayment | boolean | Allow partial payments? |
subscription.status | string | Subscription status |
subscription.sendReceipt | string | Send recepeit? Always, Never, Once |
subScription.eftAgreementRequested | boolean | Request customer agreement |
subscription.startDate | date | Subscription stat date |
purchases | Array of objects | Purchases array |
purchases[0].productName | string | Product name |
purchases[0].description | string | Product description |
purchases[0].price | float | Product price |
purchases[0].quantity | int32 | Qunatity |
purchases[0].discountAmount | string | item level discount amount |
purchase[0].taxAmount | string | item level tax amount |
purchases[0].subTotalAmount | string | item subtotal |
purchases[0].priceDiscountAmount | string | Dollar value amount of discount |
frequency | int32 | How often does this contract run?Ex.1 for every 1 month |
interval | string | Which interval does this contract run on? Values: Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly. |
weekDay | string | If weekly interval, this sets the day of the week. Values: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. |
dayNumber | int32 | If monthly interval, this sets the day of the month. |
month | string | If yearly interval, this sets the month of the year (Also include dayNumber if you would like to bill on a different day than the first of the month). |
dayType | string | If you would like to bill on a floating date (i.e., first Saturday), use this combined with day field below instead of dayNumber. Values: Day, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Last. |
day | string | Values: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Day, Weekday, Weekend. |
totalAmount | float | Total amount of transaction including taxes and discounts |
subTotalAmount | string | Total Amount of transactions before taxes and discounts |
discountAMount | float | Discount amount |
taxAmount | float | Tax Amount |
memo | string | Memo field(256 chars) |
quantity | string | Number of different products purchases |
Account Object
Variable | Type | Description |
number | string | Card Number |
expiryMonth | string | Card Expiration Month |
ExpiryYear | string | Card Expiration Year |
token | string | Vaultd Payment Token |
avsStreet | String | Billing Street Address (required if Loss Prevention Setting is turned on) |
avsZip | string | Billing Postal Code (required if Loss Prevention Setting is turned on) |
cvv | string | 3 or 4 digit card verification value (CVV) (required if Loss Prevention Setting is turned on) |
expiryDate | string | Card Expiration Date |
magstrip | string | Magnetic Stripe Data |
alias | string | Clint Provided, easy to remember name for the card |
emvData | string | Byte array converted to string - ICC, ship data for EMV transactions |
emvDataKsn | string | KSN for encrypted emv data |
track1 | string | Track 1 data - base64 |
track2 | string | Track 2 data - based 64 encrypted value or plaintext |
track1Ksn | string | KSN for encrypted track 1 data |
track2Ksn | string | KSN for encrypted track 2 data |
Customer Object
Variable | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | int32 | Customer Id |
merchantId | int32 | The identification number of the merchant's account in the MX Merchant system. |
Subscription Object
Variable | Type | Description |
customerId | int32 | cardAccountId |
cardAccountId | int32 | cardAccountId |
allowPartialPayment | boolean | Allow the customer to make partial payments |
status | string | Status of the contract. Values: Active, Pending, Paused, Completed, Completed, Cancelled |
sendReceipt | string | Always, Never, Once |
eftAgreementRequested | boolean | Send Customer Agreement |
occurences | string | Number of Occurrences |
startDate | date | Date of start time |
Purchases Object
Variable | Type | Description |
productName | string | Name of product |
price | float | Price of product |
quantity | int32 | Quantity |
discountAmount | string | Amount of discount |
taxAmount | string | Amount of tax |
subTotalAmount | string | Subtotal |
description | string | Description of product |
Notification API
Variable | Type | Description |
echo | boolean | Response of results |
eventType | string | Values: Chargeback, Deposit, PaymentSuccess, PaymentFail, UpcomingSAQExpiration, RefundCreated, NewStatement, BatchClosed, ExpiredCard |
merchantId | int32 | The identification number of the merchant's account in the MX Merchant system. |
sendEmail | boolean | Send email notification |
emailAddress | string | Email address to send email notification to |
sendSMS | boolean | Send text message notification |
phoneNumber | string | Phone number to send SMS notification to |
sendWebhook | boolean | Send webhook notification |
callbackUrl | string | URL tp send webhook notification to |
teshold | int32 | Thresholds are required for SAQ expiration and any notification related to dollar amounts |
source | string | Comma separated list of sources from which to be notified for payments and refunds. This can be QuickPay, invoice, Recurrnig, Order, MXExpress, MXRetail, API, and/or link2Pay. |
limit | int32 | How many records to return |
offset | int32 | which record to start with |
search | string | 6 or 10 digit BIN you wish to search |
Terminal API
Variable | Type | Description |
merchatId | string | the identification number of the merchant's account in the MX Merchant system |
providerKey | string | A lower-case string without spaces that identifies the provicer that issued the terminal |
description | string | description of terminal |
defaultModel | string | Default Model |
enabled | boolean | Enables the terminal |
externalId | string | The identification number from the external source for the terminal/dive |
externalSource | string | The name identifying from where the externalId originated |
forceOnline | boolean | Forces the device online |
name | string | Name of the terminal |
id | string | id of the terminal |
isPercentage | boolean | is their a percentage on the terminal |
status | string | status of the terminal |
timeoutSeconds | float | how long the terminal will time out |
terminalId | string | The identficiation number from the MX Merchant system for the terminal/device |
status | string | The enabled status of the terminal in the MX Merchant system |
freeTextSearch | string | This is free text search field, which will search by terminal name of description |
limit | float | Number of records to return at a time |
offset | float | Offset is the position in the dataset of a particicular record. By specifying offset, you retrieve a subset of records starting with the offset value. |
amount | float | the payment amount. Must not be 0. |
type | string | Type of transaction Values: Sale, Refund, CashAdvance, Prepaid, Adjustment, Void, Reversal, Authorization, SaleCompletion, PaymentTransaction, Withdrawal, Balance |
replayId | int32 | A merchant-supplied identifier to uniquely identify a payment request to facilitate retries due to I/O related issues. This identifier must be unique. If supplied, we will check for a payment that matches this identifier. If found will return an identical response of the original request. Represents a bigInt value. |
vaultCard | boolean | Use this param to vault a new card to a new or existing customer. Send in to vault to an existing customer, and at a minimum, customer.firstName or customer.lastName to vault the card to a new customer. |
reference | string | The reference number from the MX Merchant transaction |
transactionId | string | The identification number form the MX Merchant system for the transaction |
Currency Object
Variable | Type | Description |
allowDynamic | boolean | Allow dynamic currency |
default | string | default currency |
options | string | other options of currecy |
EntryModes Object
Variable | Type | Description |
swipe | boolean | Swipe entry |
Insert | boolean | Insert entry |
tap | boolean | Tap entry |
pinpad | boolean | pinpad entry |
Key Object
Variable | Type | Description |
Activation | string | Activation code |
Secret | string | Secret code |
paymenMethods Object
Variable | Type | Description |
credit | boolean | allow credit payment method |
debit | boolean | allow debit payment method |
Tip Object
Variable | Type | Description |
allow | boolean | allow tips |
allowCustom | boolean | allow custom tips |
value | float | rate value of tip |
isPercentage | boolean | allow rates |
Updated over 3 years ago