Limit Use Tokens Overview

In certain situations, a merchant may need a solution for processing payments that will keep PCI out of scope for their internal system. This would include keeping Credit Card information from being captured by their servers. The solution Priority Payments Systems utilizes is referred to as a ‘3-Way Payment’. This involves utilizing tokens for authentication and processing payments.

Options for using 3-Way Payments include:

  1. Making a Payment with Tokens
  • Getting the ‘One Time Use’ Token during authentication
  • Submitting a Payment using the ‘One Time Use’ Token
  1. Vaulting Credit Cards and Using Tokens for Future Payments
  • Getting the ‘One Time Use’ Token during authentication
  • Vaulting a Credit Card using the ‘One Time Use’ Token
  • Getting another ‘One Time Use’ Token
  • Submitting a Payment using the new 'One Time Use' Token with the ‘Vault Token’ in the payload

Below are examples of using 3-Way Payments.